Possible placements

Luckily for me, due to friends and contacts of my parents, I have 3 potential local designers that have all shown willing to showing their design practice to me and whether it be a weeks placement or simply a day shadowing them, I am very eager to follow these leads up.

The first are a couple who work from home as web designers under the name of Inigma and even though web design is not a main area of interest of mine, it would be a good opportunity in general to see how their business works, as working from home is a possibility for my future design practice. I would also be able to improve my digital skills by picking up any useful tips and generally see what web design entails. They are already aware of my interest so I plan to contact them very shortly about arranging a date.

Secondly, photographer Justion Slee has passed on that if I contact him later in the summer, he will be able to find a suitable time when he has work on to let me shadow him on a job, as there is no point arranging a month or week that is suitable, if it turns out he isn't very busy then. His website and some portfolio pieces are shown below:




Thirdly, Ghost Communications based in Wakefield is a graphic design partnership, whereby one stays in the UK and the other is based in Paris. This could be an exciting opportunity to see how international design works and how they manage to communicate their ideas back and forth overseas. I intend to contact them asap. Their website design is shown below:

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